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We care for people and the planet

Sustainable, respectful and responsible business is becoming increasingly important. As a company, and also on a personal level, these issues are very important for us. We think it is important that we and our partners act according to these values and we are convinced that with more transparency on these matters we will also satisfy the needs of our users.


For this reason, we have decided to develop our own CSR framework (Corporate Social Responsibility). Through this framework we can evaluate ourselves and our partners. Due to the relative lack of information about many of our partners in common CSR databases such as CSRHub, we have developed our own CSR evaluation model. We also think this approach will help achieve better comparability by using a uniform data basis.


The four main categories of our framework are: community, employees, environment and leadership. Each main category is divided into sub-categories. These are rated based on publicly available sources, and if such sources are not available, on an evaluation by our team. The result is an overall score which should not fall below our minimum requirements.


We are currently working on a concept to integrate the CSR ratings into our comparison pages. If you have any questions about our CSR framework, specific sub-categories or ratings, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Our Employees’ Awards

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