You may have the greatest brand strategy in the business. You may work day and night to keep your brand and your products top of mind. That is the main focus of your customer acquisition plan. When people are ready to make a purchase, you want them to think of you first. Well, maybe they do. Perhaps your online marketing has made you the most recognized brand in your industry. However, are you still struggling to grow? Are you still having trouble finding the right customer at the right time? Are those customers having trouble finding you?
People may know your brand but, when it comes time to buy, you still can't expect them to go straight for what you have to offer. Now that consumers have access to more research and comparison tools than ever before, even someone who sings the praises of your brand will likely shop around before committing to a purchase. What can you do?
While you might hope all of your online marketing would lead customers to go straight to your site or product, research tells a different story. No matter what people believe about your brand, they still want to do their research to ensure they are getting the best product at the best price. That means that most customers start with a search. In fact, 85% of new product searches begin on some type of search engine [1].
Close to 75% of online shoppers research the best products and compare offerings from different companies before making a purchase [2]. This desire to compare sends your potential customers to websites that offer them reviews, recommendations, prices, and deals. Even if they know your brand, you will be at the mercy of what they find when they do their research. This means that your entire strategy for helping people find you online may not be working.
We hope that, through our marketing, we will keep our brand top of mind, and when people go to search, they will search for our brand name. But, since they are pursuing a strategy of research and comparison, they are not going to do that. Even if your brand is considered a leader in the field, they will not likely enter it into their search engine of choice. They will, instead, search relevant keywords that they hope will reveal places they can do their research before making a purchase. This is where intent marketing comes in. By focusing your efforts on customers who are ready to make a purchase.
What is Intent Marketing?
As its name implies, intent marketing revolves around a customer's intent to make a purchase. Most marketing strategies are about reaching the right people. Intent marketing attempts to reach the right people at the exact right time when they are ready
to make a decision. In order to reach people ready to purchase, we need to find them. It turns out that customer behavior can give us a lot of clues that will help us.
Customer Acquisition Based on Intent
What clues do customers give us that they intend to make a move? It is all in the data. If we spend enough time and know what we are looking for, we will find that customers reveal a lot of information that can help us understand what they might do. Looking at customer behavior data, especially by reviewing millions of user signals, we can learn exactly what to look for and how to get in front of a customer who is ready to buy.
Why Is Intent Marketing Critical for Your Brand?
The hardest part of high-performance marketing is the fact that things are constantly changing. People purchase goods and services now in a way that is utterly unrecognizable compared to the days before the internet. What is even more confounding is that people buy goods and services on the internet now, in a way that is totally different from just a few years ago. We aren't far from the days when great SEO was enough to help people find you and your product. Today, it takes data and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand how to help customers decide to purchase what you have to offer.
Discover Performance-Based Customer Acquisition
So, how can your business go about reaching customers at the time they are ready to buy? Betterbusiness is about partnering with companies and offering the best performance-based customer acquisition solution available. This is intent marketing, powered by AI and machine learning, ready to radically increase your business's impact.
How Does Intent Marketing Work with betterbusiness?
Betterbusiness offers an intent marketing solution with three phases: identify, recommend, and decide.
Identify – Our system uses algorithms to analyze millions of historical user signals. Machine learning quickly understands how to identify high user intent and can find the potential customers ready for what you offer. Even better, thanks to the power of AI, betterbusiness can do this at scale. So there is no limit to how far your business can grow.
Recommend – Once we know who the target customers are, the system gets to work getting them to you. We drive this qualified traffic to one of our landing pages where these high intent customers get exactly what they are looking for – a personalized list of relevant product options curated in real time based on data.
Decide – With everything they need in one place, the high intent buyer can compare options, review comparison data, and read user reviews. That is it. With all the hard work done by AI, all you need to worry about is all those new customers.
Online Marketing Re-Imagined with Betterbusiness
Turbocharge your customer acquisition with the power of AI and machine learning. Over 100 partners in 68 countries are already seeing how intent marketing can scale their business and attract customers when they are ready to purchase. We are already partnering with brands such as Wix, Shopify, Fiverr, WordPress, SEMRush, Squarespace, and more. So no matter your industry or the size of your company, we are ready to create a customized strategy to help your business reach your goals.
[1] searched-amazon [2] content/uploads/WhySearchPlusSocialEqualsSuccess-Catalyst.pdf